Introduction: I. The New Testament book of Romans has been called the Cathedral of the Christian Faith. (Frederick Go...
A Living Sacrifice (AM)
Introduction A. Physical Israel’s quest for justification ended in failure because they thought they could find it I...
Made Alive (PM)
Introduction A. Although they had been “dead in trespasses and sins,” the saints in Ephesus were “made alive together ...
The Tie that Binds (PM)
Introduction: I. The history of the establishment of the church at Thessalonica is recorded in Acts chapter 17 and occ...
Life and Death (PM)
Introduction A. Of all the gifts that God has given to man, life must be reckoned among the most precious. B. We are born w...
They Will Hear (PM)
Introduction: I. The closing scene in the book of Acts finds Paul in prison teaching all who came to him (Acts 28:30). II...
Not Knowing the Scriptures (PM)
Introduction A. When the Sadducees challenged Jesus on the resurrection, He said that their error stemmed from ignor...
Some Walking Instructions (PM)
Introduction In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of the wonderful works that God has done on our behalf, but he a...
Old Habits (AM)
Introduction A. We are creatures of habit, and often that isn’t a good thing. B. When you became a Christian, you made a c...
Drifting (PM)
Introduction A. From his acquaintance with the sea, Paul knew a thing or two about drifting (Acts 27; 2 Corinthians 11:...