Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10–15 Introduction A. Was Juliet right? Is there really nothing at all in a name? B...
What is the Gospel? (PM)
Introduction A. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to listen to Paul preach, Acts 13 is a great source. B. In t...
The Day of Pentecost (PM)
Introduction: I. The second chapter of the Book of Acts marks the beginning of a new era of time. II. Much had previously...
The Name of Jesus (AM)
Introduction A. The first recorded apostolic miracle is the healing of a lame beggar at the Beautiful Gate of the templ...
The Story of Pentecost (PM)
Introduction: I. Many single events in history have drastically changed the future of the world. II. A list of the sign..
The Power of Story (AM)
Introduction A. Stories have been known to change the course of history. B. A well-told story can stir up strong emotio...
The Power of Choice (PM)
Introduction A. Of all the gifts that God has bestowed upon His creation, the greatest are those that belong exclusive...
Jesus: Greater than Moses (AM)
Introduction A. The list of similarities between Moses and Jesus seems endless. B. There are nevertheless also some i...