Introduction A. On annual feast days, first-century Jews customarily recited the psalms known as the Hallel (Psalms...
The Day of Pentecost (PM)
Introduction: I. The second chapter of the Book of Acts marks the beginning of a new era of time. II. Much had previously...
The Story of Pentecost (PM)
Introduction: I. Many single events in history have drastically changed the future of the world. II. A list of the sign..
Tomorrow (PM)
Introduction A. Man’s attitude toward tomorrow is seldom an appropriate one. B. While there is no use in worrying abou...
God's Vision Accomplished through Jesus (PM)
Introduction: A. We learn from Jeremiah 29:11 that God’s vision for His people was focused, that it was for their good a...
Assurance of Salvation (AM)
Introduction A. Near the close of the apostolic age, John wrote to his children in the faith to offer them assurance of t...
Better Things (PM)
Introduction: A. Our concept of, “the better things in life,” changes as we grow older. B. We don’t have to live very lon...
If I Be Lifted Up (PM)
The Joy of Salvation (PM)
Introduction A. When Judah’s captors asked them to sing a song of Zion, they said, “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a fo...
Place of Salvation (AM)
Introduction A. When Peter told the Jews that it was the name of Jesus that had made the lame man walk, he added that salva...