
Jesus’ Commitment

Introduction A. Both in His life and in His death, Jesus showed a firm resolution and commitment to the mission He came to fulfill. B. Jesus’ commitment should stand as an inspiration for us to remain committed to our very last breath (1 Peter 2:20-25). I. Jesus’ commitment is evident in His planning. A. Jesus said that His suffering was His very purpose for coming into the world (John 12:27; Matthew 20:28). B. Jesus...

Have You Done What You Could?

Introduction A. When Jesus’ death drew near, there was little anyone could do, but the Gospel speaks of a certain woman who did what she could. B. Have you done what you could? I. The Scriptures offer examples of people who did what they could. A. Rahab did what she could (Joshua 2, Hebrews 11:30). B. Ruth did what she could (Ruth 2:23). C. A certain poor widow did what she could (Luke 21:1-4). D. Paul did what he could...

Stand Up for Jesus!

Introduction A. While it is easy to stand for Jesus in an assembly like this one, it can be more difficult to take a stand in a more difficult situation. B. When the time comes for us to take a stand when it matters the most, do we take a stand, or do we elect to keep our seats? I. We must stand, even when it feels like we are standing alone. A. Many of the prophets felt this way (1 Kings 19:9-18; 22:8). B. Paul was not afraid to stand alone...

The God of All Comfort

Introduction A. When Jesus told His disciples He was going to the Father, He promised to send the Comforter to them (John 14:16,26). B. When Paul had so many troubles that he “despaired even of life” (2 Corinthians 1:8), he was still able to find comfort. C. Where can we go to find comfort in this troubled world? I. We can find comfort in God’s strength. A. There are times we need to be reminded of how weak we are (2 Corinthians 1:8-9; 5:1-2; 12:9)...

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