Introduction A. The Bible tells us the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel as he prepared to be reunited with his brot...
The Transfiguration of Jesus (AM)
Introduction: I. Certainly, one of the most amazing events in the life of Christ occurs on the Mount of Transfiguratio...
The Servant of the Lord (PM)
Introduction A. We have seen how the Jews were perplexed over what appeared to be two very different Messiahs in Old Tes...
The Story of Jesus (AM)
Introduction Of all the stories that one can read in God’s word, the story of Jesus is undoubtedly the most powerful of a...
The Bread of Life (PM)
Introduction: I. In the spring of A.D. 29, near the time of the Jewish Passover, Jesus is being followed by a multitude o...
Wonderful Story of Love (AM)
Introduction A. There are many popular love stories that have been written, and there are many great love stories in th...
Rebirth (AM)
Introduction A. We have all heard the story of Ebenezer Scrooge who had a sudden change of heart after a visit from three...
The Story of Pentecost (PM)
Introduction: I. Many single events in history have drastically changed the future of the world. II. A list of the sign..
Stephen's Sermon (PM)
Introduction A. The testimony and the stoning of Stephen fill in some vital information about the early history of the...
We are Well Able - We are not Able (PM)
Introduction: I. All major countries of the world have spies whose primary function is to provide national security b...