
Who Is This Jesus?

Introduction A. John portrays Jesus as One Who was both fully man and fully God. B. Matthew approaches the task of chronicling Jesus’ life from a uniquely Jewish perspective with a strong emphasis on the kingdom of heaven that Jesus came to establish. C. Matthew portrays Jesus as the One anointed by God. I. Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One. A. Jesus is a prophet (John 4:19; 9:17; Matthew 21:46; 13:57). B. Jesus...

Saving the Seed

Introduction A. Have you ever considered all of the things that had to fall into place in order for you to be here today? B. When you look at the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1), how unlikely does it seem that He would ever live? I. Even through turbulent times, God preserved the Seed. A. God made this promise to Eve (Genesis 3:15). B. Through some sixty generations and numerous crises, God was successful in preserving the precious...

Matthew 1: The Women in Jesus’ Family Tree

Matthew wrote his gospel to persuade the Jewish community to believe that Jesus was the Christ, the awaited Messiah. With this aim, he started his writing by recording the genealogy of Jesus that proved that He was a legal heir of David’s throne through His perceived father, Joseph. Although Jewish custom on writing genealogies rarely included female names, Matthew went out of his way to include five women in his...

Witnesses of Jesus

Introduction A. Considering that Jesus did not parade Himself as the Messiah, how is it that Peter (Matthew 16:16) and so many others—even today—have arrived at the same conclusion about this man of Galilee? B. Let’s listen to the witnesses that testified before Peter and the rest of the world that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of the living God. I. Jesus first calls John the Baptizer to the stand (John 5:32-35). A. This...

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