Introduction A. If Jesus did not parade Himself as the Messiah, how did Peter conclude that He was in fact the Son of God (...
Stability (AM)
Introduction A. Deuteronomy contains instructions for how God’s people were to conduct themselves in Canaan if they...
Let the Children Come (PM)
Introduction: I. What can you say about children? A. People have said a lot about little ones B. Scriptures teach of the val...
The Foundation of Joy (AM)
Introduction: I. Everyone wants joy or happiness in life. A. Research shows that when asked, “What is the most importa...
Remember (AM)
Introduction A. Remembering the things that people have said to us in the past can stir up all kinds of powerful emotion...
Blessings and Curses (PM)
Introduction A. God promised to bless Israel if they would be faithful to Him and to curse them if they forsook Him. B. Go...
The Spirit of a Disciple (AM)
Introduction A. Throughout His ministry, and particularly near the end, Jesus tries to prepare His disciples for the...
Loving My Neighbor (AM)
Introduction A. Paul tells us that no quantity of learning, sacrifice, or even faith is of any value without love to acc...
Devoted (PM)
IntroductionA. The Bible speaks of things that are “devoted” (1 Kings 7:51; 8:63) and also of things that are “accurse...