Scripture Reading: Leviticus 27:26–29
A. The Bible speaks of things that are “devoted” (1 Kings 7:51; 8:63) and also of things that are “accursed” (Galatians 1:6–9; 3:13).
B. There are some things, however, that can be either devoted or accursed, depending entirely on what we choose to do with them.
I. The sacrifices of Israel were either devoted or accursed.
A. Aaron and his sons were consecrated to minister to God in the priest’s office (Exodus 28:40–43; 29:15–34).
B. The firstfruits of Israel’s land (Exodus 23:19) and cattle (Exodus 12:11–16) were to be devoted to God.
C. The first of Israel’s spoils in Canaan were also to be dedicated to God (Joshua 6:17–19).
D. They were cursed who elected to use anything devoted to God for their own purposes (Exodus 29:33–34; 30:30–33; Joshua 7).
II. Our wealth can either be devoted or accursed.
A. Our wealth can be a great blessing when we devote it to God’s service (Acts 4:34–37; Philippians 4:10–20).
B. This can also be a terrible curse when used improperly (Ecclesiastes 5:10–15; Luke 12:13–21; Acts 5:1–10).
III. Our worship can be either devoted or accursed.
A. Worship becomes accursed when it is not offered according to God’s instructions (Leviticus 10:1–2; 1 Chronicles 15:13; Numbers 16).
B. Worship becomes accursed when it is taken lightly.
A. God wants us to devote our lives entirely to Him (Romans 12:1–2).
B. If we choose not to devote ourselves to God, we will most certainly be accursed. The choice is ours.