Introduction A. If Jesus did not parade Himself as the Messiah, how did Peter conclude that He was in fact the Son of God (...
The Good Confession (AM)
Introduction A. A careful reading of the accounts of Jesus’ trial before Pilate reveals what “the good confession” wa...
Rahab the Harlot (AM)
Introduction: 1. Many great Bible characters found in Hebrews Chapter 11. 2. A prostitute named Rahab is listed here a...
Bearing One Another’s Burdens
A. The fact that there is strength in numbers explains many of the things God has done since the creation of Eve (Genesis 2:18-24).
B. It should be a great comfort to all of us to know that we are not in this fight alone; as soldiers we are all in this together.
I. We have a responsibility to encourage the weak and the faint.
A. Those who are weak in the faith should be able to depend on their stronger brethren...