If I Be Lifted Up (PM)

By:  Dennis Pierce

Scripture Reading:  John 12:20-36


A.  Some of the simplest verses in the Bible reveal the most important truths. (1 John 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Corinthians 13:8; Matthew 5:14; John 11:35)

B.  John 12:33 is one of these verses. It is simple yet profound.

1.  It immediately stimulates many thoughts.

C.  The context of this statement occurs during the last few days of Jesus’ life on earth.

D.   A large part of understanding why Jesus was “lifted up” is found in verse 27.


I.  He was “lifted up” because it was a difficult task to accomplish. (vs 27)

A.  It was difficult for Jesus. 

1.  “My soul is troubled.”

2.  “My soul is very sorrowful.” (Matthew 26:38)

3.  “If it be possible let this cup pass from me.” (Matthew 26:39)

B.  It was difficult for God.

1.  God gave His only begotten son. (John 3:16; 1 John 4:9)

C.  We have been given the best of heaven to save our souls.

II.  He was “lifted up” because it was the right time. (vs 27)

A.  Now my soul is troubled.

1.  The hour had come. (vs 23; Matthew 26:45))

2.  It is the fulfillment of time. (Ephesians 1:8)

B.  Today is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2)

1.  God has a time schedule for us to obey him!

III.  He was “lifted up” because it was His purpose for coming. (vs 27)

A.  Jesus seems to be thinking to himself with a rhetorical question, “What shall I say?”

1.  Will I ask the Father to save me from this hour?

2.  Everything I have done here on earth is meaningless if I don’t do this.

IV.  He was “lifted up” because it would glorify God and the Son. (23 & 27)

A.  How can being crucified on a cross bring glory to God?  Romans 3:23-26

B.  How does it bring glory to the son of man? (John 13:2-17; Matthew 23:11; Philippians 2:8)

V.   He was “lifted up” because it would draw all people to him. (vs 32)

A.  The only power to save is “that old rugged cross.”

B.  Entertainment or extraordinary events are not what saves people.


There is another thing that is happening here by Jesus being “lifted up.”

“Now the ruler of this world is being cast out.” (Verse 31) Genesis 3:15 is about to be fulfilled.

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