Introduction A. The relationship between water baptism and salvation has long been a subject of heated religious debate...
Serving the Hopeless
Introduction A. During His time on earth, Jesus spent a lot of time with people who seemed to be without any hope at all. B...
Forgiving and Forgiven
Introduction A. The word most often translated “forgive” in the New Testament means to let something go or to leave it...
Serving the Multitudes
Introduction A. Sometimes our responsibilities can seem a bit overwhelming. B. We might feel sometimes as if there is...
Serving the Sick
Introduction A. Sick folks aren’t always pleasant company. B. Man wanted nothing to do with Christ in His affliction...
What Must I Do?
Introduction A. In our study of Jesus’ words on salvation, we have seen that God wants all to be saved (Matthew 18:14), but...
Preparing to Serve
Introduction A. A good servant is always prepared, and this is true all the more in one’s service to God (Luke 12:47). B...
Not Willing That Any Should Perish
Introduction A. In 1741, Jonathan Edwards delivered a sermon in which he portrayed God as an angry sovereign eager to condemn the worthless mass of humanity to the flames of hell. B. The truth is that God isn’t out to get us; He wants to save us! Discussion I. Jesus came to save the lost. A. This was the primary mission of Jesus’ life (Matthew 18:11; John 10:10-18; 12:47; Luke 9:56). B. Jesus saved many men...
Beyond the Grave
Introduction A. Man has promoted a lot of ideas about what lies beyond the grave, but we want to know what Jesus says about it. B. Were it not for the Scriptures, we would be completely in the dark about what awaits us when we die. C. In Luke 16, Jesus offers us a rare glimpse at eternity. Discussion I. Jesus shows us what will really matter when we die. A. He shows us that our money won’t matter to anyone...
The King Victorious
Introduction A. In the first of the four gospels, Matthew paints the portrait of a King Whose kingdom was largely misunderstood. B. Although Jesus was not the king that the Jewish nation was expecting, He was the only King Who could lead them to victory. Discussion I. Jesus’ final hours on Earth looked like anything but victorious. A. He was denied and betrayed by His closest friends (Matthew...