by Roby Ellis
[Scripture Reading: John 5:28-29]
A. Man has promoted a lot of ideas about what lies beyond the grave, but we want to know what Jesus says about it.
B. Were it not for the Scriptures, we would be completely in the dark about what awaits us when we die.
C. In Luke 16, Jesus offers us a rare glimpse at eternity.
I. Jesus shows us what will really matter when we die.
A. He shows us that our money won’t matter to anyone then (Luke 16:19-26).
B. Our loved ones will matter (Luke 16:27-30).
C. Our works will matter (Luke 16:21; Matthew 25).
II. Jesus also shows us what we may expect when we die.
A. He shows us that the dead are either comforted or tormented (Luke 16:24-25).
B. He teaches us that there is no repentance beyond the grave (Luke 16:25-26; cf. 2 Peter 2:21).
C. He shows us that our missions of mercy must be completed here and now (Luke 16:24-26).
A. Although our appetites for information about eternity could never be satisfied, surely we have been given enough to make us long to be with the Lord for all eternity!
B. Jesus also teaches us that we cannot know when the end will come (Matthew 24:36; cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2; 2 Peter 3:10). Are you ready?