Introduction A. Usually it is the quality, not the quantity, which determines our effectiveness in any line of work. B. Being an effective evangelist has a lot less to do with our method than it does with our character. Discussion I. To be better evangelists, we need to be sound. A. We need to be good students of God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Acts 8:35). B. We need to be plain with the truth (Matthew 8:20; 10:16-31)...
The Judgment Day
Introduction A. Have you ever tried to imagine what Judgment Day will be like? B. Whether you have or not, the day is coming when we will give an account before the only one from whom nothing can be hidden. Discussion I. Judgment Day will be a day of separation. A. Saints will be separated from sinners (Matthew 25:31-33). B. The disobedient will be separated from the Lord (2 Thessalonians 1:9). C. We will be...
God’s Righteous Judgment
Introduction A. During the week before His crucifixion, Jesus spent a lot of time in the temple, where He had numerous confrontations with Jewish leaders and taught the people constantly (Matthew 26:55). B. When the disciples pointed out the buildings of the temple, Jesus prophesied that there would not be one stone left there upon another (Matthew 24:2). What had Israel done to warrant this? Discussion I. What did Israel do? A. Israel...
What God Has Joined
Introduction A. In the world that Jesus lived in, signs of division were everywhere, even in the temple itself. B. As people who still live in a world full of division, we can testify that division is more often detrimental than beneficial. Discussion I. When God joins things together, man should not divide them. A. God joins body and spirit (Genesis 2:7; James 2:26). B. God has joined faith and works in His plan of salvation (James 2:14-26)...
That It Might Be Fulfilled
Introduction A. Compared to the other gospels, none places greater emphasis on the Old Testament Scriptures than does Matthew. B. When Jesus taught ideas that seemed radical to the Jews, some accused Him of trying to destroy what was sacred (Matthew 26:61). C. Matthew helps us to see that, far from trying to abolish God’s Word, Jesus fulfilled it in every aspect of His life. Discussion I. Jesus fulfilled Scripture in His...
Learning from the Master
Introduction A. Learning is a complex process, and sometimes we need to be taught the same lesson repeatedly before we really learn it. B. The most important lessons and skills that we will ever learn are those that we will learn from Jesus (Matthew 11:29). Discussion I. Jesus provides all the tools we need for these important lessons. A. He provides the authority that all true learning requires (Matthew 7:29; 28:18-20). B. He...
His Yoke Is Easy
Introduction A. When Jesus says that His yoke is easy, this means that it is manageable and pleasant to carry. B. Jesus also teaches that the Christian life is difficult at times (Matthew 7:13-14; 10:22-28). Discussion I. Looks can be deceiving. A. Satan’s way looks easy, but it isn’t really (Matthew 7:13; 8:32; 2 Peter 2:19; Romans 6:20-23). B. The Lord’s way might not look easy (Matthew 19:16-22), but the truth is that...
“Do You Love Me?”
Introduction A. When the Lord confronted Peter beside the Galilee after His resurrection (John 21:15-19), the scene was reminiscent of an earlier encounter they had there. B. Each time Jesus asks, “Do you love Me?,” He is challenging a different level of Peter’s professed devotion for Him. C. Jesus demands that we love Him more than anyone or anything else. Discussion I. Is there anyone or anything that you love more than Jesus?...
The Greatest News Ever Told
Introduction A. The message that angels delivered one night to shepherds in Bethlehem was just too good to keep to oneself (Luke 2:8-18). B. Lest we become discouraged when people turn a deaf ear to the Gospel, we need to remind ourselves of what good news it is! Discussion I. It is good news because it offers a remedy for our problem. A. The real problem with the world today is sin (Romans 3:23; Isaiah 53:6). B. It is a terrible thing...
Heaven and Hell
Introduction A. There are probably a lot of things about eternity that we lack the experience to understand, but God has given us some brief glimpses into the life that awaits us beyond this mortal existence. B. There are several people who claim to have seen heaven and have told of its wonder, but wouldn’t you rather hear about it from some-one you know has been there? Let’s listen to His words about it. Discussion I. Jesus says that...