Introduction A. Anytime we make a decision on a big purchase, we should try our best to count the cost first. B. Sin alway...
The Lord's Choice (AM)
Introduction A. One of the greatest liberties we enjoy is that of choice. B. We should always choose by faith (Romans 14...
Shadows of the Church (AM)
Introduction A. We have seen that God promised David that his house would stand forever, and it has in the church built b...
The House of David
Introduction A. God revealed to David that, although he would not be allowed to build a house for God, God would build on...
Old Testament Lessons on New Testament Baptism (AM)
Introduction A. We have seen the importance of sanctification, but we also need to understand when this vital process ...
Righteousness Exalts a Nation (PM)
Introduction A. Advice is easy to give, but consistently more difficult to follow. B. Solomon proved both parts of thi...
Faith of Our Fathers (AM)
Introduction A. When Joshua commanded Israel to “put away the gods which their fathers served on the other side of the R...
Learning from Conflict (PM)
Introduction A. As the church grew and multiplied in the first century, it was not long before division began to occur a...
Israel's Unbelief (AM)
Introduction A. As faithful as Abraham was, we would expect His descendants to be more faithful than they were (John 8:...
What the Lord is to Me (PM)
Introduction A. The Hebrews often named their children with phrases meant to bring glory to the God of Israel. B. Let’s ...