Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:8–9
A. One of the greatest liberties we enjoy is that of choice.
B. We should always choose by faith (Romans 14:23), but where God has already made a choice, faith demands surrender.
I. The Lord’s choice has always been better than man’s.
A. Abraham wanted Ishmael, but God had chosen Isaac (Genesis 17:15–19).
B. God chose Judah as the royal tribe (Genesis 49:10), although Jacob would probably have chosen differently.
C. God’s choice for king was superior to the people’s choice (1 Samuel 12:13; cf. 16:8–10; 13:14).
D. God chose Solomon as David’s successor (1 Chronicles 28:2–6) while many of the people went after Adonijah (1 Kings 1:5–7).
II. God has demonstrated the importance of honoring His choices.
A. God was displeased when Levites of another line tried to usurp the priesthood (Numbers 16).
B. God was not satisfied when His choice of Jerusalem was ignored by Jeroboam and his subjects (1 Kings 13:1–3).
C. God stressed the importance of honoring His decisions in matters of worship with the death of Uzzah (1 Chronicles 13:9–10).
III. We who are saved are the Lord’s choice today.
A. He chose Israel because He loved them (Deuteronomy 7:6–8).
B. Today His chosen people are found in the church of His choice (2 Thessalonians 2:13–16; 1 Peter 2:9).
A. It is God’s choice that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9), for which cause He sent His Son to die (John 3:16).
B. He has made His choice; what will yours be?