1 Kings 18:17-40 Introduction: 1. All that is known of Elijah’s origin is his father’s name and his tribal identificat…
What I'd Like to Know Is: I Was Baptized in Another Church; Why Should I be Baptized Again? (AM)
Acts 19:1-7 Introduction: 1. The fundamental place of baptism pushes this question to the top of the list. 2. If one’s b…
Lessons from the Life of Solomon (PM)
1 Kings 3:1-15 Introduction: 1. Given the choice of learning from our own mistakes or the mistakes of others, learning…
What I'd Like to Know Is: What is the Unpardonable Sin? (AM)
Matthew 12:31-32 and Mark 3:28-30 Introduction: 1. Of all the sins confronted in the Bible, only the blasphemy of the H…
David: A Man After God's Own Heart (PM)
1 Samuel 13:8-14 Introduction: 1. David lived a life of peaks and valleys with remarkable successes and mind-boggling…
Samuel: The Bridge Between the Judges and the Monarchy (PM)
Acts 13:20-21 Introduction: 1. Samuel was a major part of so many major biblical events. 2. He was the bridge between th…
Fifth Sunday Fundamentals: Repentance (AM)
Acts 17:30-31 Introduction: 1. The Bible discusses repentance pervasively. 2. It also clearly defines and commands…
Ruth: A Diamond in the Rough (PM)
Ruth 1:14-17 Introduction: 1. It is easy to skim through or overlook the short book of Ruth. 2. We rob ourselves of much r…
Bad Advice: You Only Live Once (AM)
Psalm 39:4-5 Introduction: 1. This is another phrase that is true but misapplied. 2. We do only have one life to live, so…
Deborah: A Mother in Israel (PM)
Judges 5:6-7 Introduction: 1. Deborah delivered Israel from Canaanite oppressors and led them through forty years o…