Judges 5:6-7
1. Deborah delivered Israel from Canaanite oppressors and led them through forty years of peace in the land.
2. There is much to gain from studying the life of this godly woman.
I. A Bleak Time in Israel
A. Six cycles of apostasy, punishment, repentance, and deliverance.
B. The song of Deborah and Barak tell the ugly truth of Israel’s decline (Judges 5:4-8).
C. Failed leadership was at the heart of the issue (Judges 3:31; 5:7).
II. Deborah’s Godly Character
A. She was a prophetess in Israel before this call (Judges 4:4-5).
B. Her faith and faithfulness were evident (Judges 4:6-9):
1. After 20 years of oppression, she alone stood up to deliver.
2. Her ability is evident in the trust of others (Judges 4:8, 14).
3. For this she became “a mother in Israel” (Judges 5:7).
C. She always gave glory to God (Judges 4:14; 5:9).
III. Application for Today
A. With the low view of women in the ancient world, Deborah’s call was unique.
B. She proved true greatness is in true godliness.
C. Christian men must fulfill our roles (1 Timothy 2:8, 11-15; Ephesians 5:22).
D. We also must respect and appreciate the role of Christian women.
1. It has been rightly said “No nation can rise any higher than the women in her midst. No church is any stronger than those good women who train up children in the way that they ought to go. No home is any better than the mothers who rock the cradles within their walls. God created woman as a helpmeet for man, and worthy women have played this role well throughout the centuries.”
2. Thank the Lord for godly women willing to do His bidding.