Ruth: A Diamond in the Rough (PM)

Ruth 1:14-17


1.  It is easy to skim through or overlook the short book of Ruth.

2.  We rob ourselves of much rich biblical material if we do.

3.  So much growth can be facilitated by the study of Ruth.


I.  The Background and Setting of Ruth

A.  “In the days when the judges ruled…” (1:1; Judges 21:25).

B.  A famine drove Elimelech and family to Moab (1:1-2).

C.  In ten years, Naomi lost everything and returned home in bitter agony and a state of intense vulnerability (1:3-7, 19-21; 2:1-2).

II.   A Dark Cloud with A Silver Lining

A.  Ruth’s dogged loyalty would bring help to Naomi (1:8-17).

B.  God made provisions for food and continued security for widows (Deuteronomy 24:19-21; 25:5-10).

C.  Boaz proved faithful to these commands, even going beyond in some areas (2:3-9, 14-17; 3:6-13; 4:1-13).

D.  In the end, Ruth and Naomi were secured, and Ruth and Boaz gave birth to the grandfather of David (4:11-22).

III.  Applications

A.  God will provide our needs in times of darkness.

B.  We can serve Him faithfully despite what others are doing.

C.  God can use anyone, regardless of background to do His bidding.

D.  By such, He will bring about His good purposes (Romans 8:28).


1.  Even when it seems the whole world has come unglued, there is always a remnant living according to God’s purposes.

2.  If we follow the Lord no matter what others do, He will provide a way.

3.  God’s provisions will often come from the last place we expect them.

4.  Like Ruth, with loyalty and faithfulness, we can be a diamond in the rough for those in our lives.

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