Introduction A. The message that has changed our lives is not of human origin; it is the mind of Christ revealed to us by God Himself (1 Corinthians 2:11-16). B. Lest we put men on pedestals and regard others as unworthy of a place in God’s house, we need to be reminded of who we are. I. On our own, we are nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing. A. Although Paul was an inspired apostle, he was nothing without Christ (1 Corinthians...
Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?
Introduction A. Because Jesus was unable to carry His cross the entire way to Golgotha (cf. Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26), a man named Simon was compelled to bear it behind Him (John 19:17). B. Jesus said that all who wish to come after Him must take up their crosses and follow Him (Luke 9:23). I. Jesus has asked us to deny ourselves. A. Jesus had to deny Himself in order to confess Himself (1 Timothy 6:13; Mark 14:61-62)...
The Necessity of Christ’s Suffering
Introduction A. When Christ made His way to Calvary, He did so with a clear understanding of why it was necessary (Matthew 16:21). B. If no other reason had existed, it was necessary because the Lord had said that it would happen. I. “Thus it is written.” A. This was a point often emphasized by early evangelists like Peter (Acts 3:18) and Paul (Acts 17:3). B. Christ’s suffering was attested in the law (Exodus 12:3-7,19-20,46; cf. 1 Corinthians...
Why did God Create Satan?
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world (1 Peter 5:8-9). This is a question that raises concern for a lot of people, especially for those who do not understand the role Satan has played in God’s plan. As hard as it is to imagine, even Satan...
Introduction A. You can find the phrase on bumper stickers and billboard all across the United States: “United we stand; divided we fall.” B. While we loath the thought of the division of this country, what about the church Jesus consecrated with His own blood? I. Division never begins with God. A. God hates division (Malachi 2:16; Proverbs 6:19). B. God is the Author of peace, not of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33; James 1:13-17)...
Matthew 5: The Blessed of God
The Sermon on the Mount begins in Matthew 5 and extends to chapter 7. Many consider it to be the greatest sermon ever preached. In fact, this sermon has been the most often and extensively quoted section in Scripture by Christian writers from the first until the fourth centuries (Quarles, 2011, p. 2). New Testament scholar and historian, Luke T. Johnson, pointed out that “the Sermon on the Mount has been considered an epitome of the teaching...
Calvary’s Contradictions
Introduction A. The accounts of the crucifixion abound with paradox and irony that create contrast surpassing anything in uninspired literature. B. These remarkable contrasts help bring into sharp relief the love, humility, and holiness of the One Who died for our redemption. I. On Calvary we see tremendous contrasts. A. We see purity contrasted with iniquity (Isaiah 53:9-12). B. We see humility contrasted with vanity (John 19:10; Isaiah 53:7...
Problems in Corinth
Introduction A. When Paul came to Corinth on his second missionary journey, he was surely distressed and perhaps not far from giving up. B. The Lord gave Paul the reassurance he needed (Acts 18:6-10). C. Paul’s love for the church in Corinth shines through in his first letter to them as he gives them the key to solving their problems. I. The church in Corinth was facing many problems. A. There were problems with factions (1 Corinthians...
The Way of the Cross
Introduction A. Every year thousands of tourists visit the Via Dolorosa. B. Although the actual road Jesus walked has been lost to time, the way that leads to heaven has been perfectly preserved (John 14:1-6). I. The way of the cross was charted in remote antiquity. A. This road was to follow a course predetermined by God (Acts 2:23; 4:28; Revelation 13:8). B. The course of this road was announced in prophecy (Genesis 12:3; 21:12; 25:23...
Saving Israel
Introduction A. Paul often expressed his desire for Israel to obtain salvation (Romans 1:16; 9:23; 10:1; 11:13-14). Shouldn’t we desire the same? B. Paul says that they could be saved (Romans 11:1,17-24) and that they would be saved if they would turn to Christ (11:25-26). I. Let’s consider some sermons that reached many of the Jews. A. Peter’s sermon convinced 3,000 Jews to be baptized in Jesus’ name (Acts 2). B. Although Stephen’s sermon...