Introduction A. When the Pharisees questioned Jesus on a doctrinal issue, Jesus took them all the way back to the begin...
A Change of Heart (AM)
Introduction A. In pagan religions, each culture had its own pantheon of gods, and each deity typically was connected...
The Right Way (PM)
Introduction A. When Christianity was born, it was known to many people simply as “that way” (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; ...
What is a Christian? (PM)
Introduction A. While man’s definition of a Christian may be diverse and conflicting, the only definition that reall...
The Way of the Cross
Introduction A. Every year thousands of tourists visit the Via Dolorosa. B. Although the actual road Jesus walked has been lost to time, the way that leads to heaven has been perfectly preserved (John 14:1-6). I. The way of the cross was charted in remote antiquity. A. This road was to follow a course predetermined by God (Acts 2:23; 4:28; Revelation 13:8). B. The course of this road was announced in prophecy (Genesis 12:3; 21:12; 25:23...