Problems in Corinth

by Roby Ellis


A. When Paul came to Corinth on his second missionary journey, he was surely distressed and perhaps not far from giving up.

B. The Lord gave Paul the reassurance he needed (Acts 18:6-10).

C. Paul’s love for the church in Corinth shines through in his first letter to them as he gives them the key to solving their problems.

I. The church in Corinth was facing many problems.

A. There were problems with factions (1 Corinthians 1:10-12).

B. There were problems with fellowship (6:1-8; 11:17-24).

C. There were problems with focus (3:1-9).

D. There were problems with fornication (5:1-8).

E. There were problems with families (7:12-16).

F. There were problems with false doctrine (15:12-19).

G. One can scarcely imagine the emotions that must have flooded Paul’s heart when he heard of these problems.

II. For all the problems in Corinth, Paul offered a simple solution.

A. They needed to learn to give up their rights at times for the sake of peace (6:7; 8:8-13).

B. In order to establish peace among them, they needed to pursue love (14:1; 16:13-14).

C. Paul knew this church’s problems would not go away overnight, but he knew that the way of love would get them on their way.


A. Paul’s love for this congregation is evident in this letter.

B. If we will pursue love, we will not eliminate our problems, but we will have a way that will help us always to transcend them.

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