Introduction A. For some reason, no matter how many assurances we have of something, hard times can shake our confiden...
God's Promises (PM)
By: Dennis Pierce Introduction: I. God’s word is sure. (Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 55:11) II. God is faithful to keep his pro...
Assurance of God's Provision (PM)
Introduction A. With his unusual clothing (2 Kings 1:8) and fiery personality, Elijah is one of the most fascinating c...
Says Who? (AM)
Introduction A. This world is filled with very strong differences of opinion, some of which are more serious than othe...
Assurance of Purpose (AM)
Introduction A. What we believe about where we come from will have a tremendous effect on how we live from day to day. B. W...
The Assurance of God's Amazing Grace (AM)
Introduction A. When God saves us, we become the recipients of a beautiful gift that we could never have won on the basis...
Resolving Conflict in Marriage (AM)
The Confidence in Which We Trust (PM)
Introduction A. This is part of a conversation that took place around 720 BC just outside Jerusalem between officers o...
Peace (PM)
Introduction: A. The salutation of each of Paul’s letters to New Testament churches contain the expression “grace to...
He Understands (AM)
Introduction A. No one understands children like their parents. B. If we can understand the language of our children,...