Not Just a Girl (PM)

Scripture Reading:  Acts 12:12-17


I.  Acts 12 begins with a description of King Herod’s persecution of the church to include the execution of James and the imprisonment of Peter.

II.  The church is in constant prayer for Peter who is miraculously freed from prison and then makes a short visit to the house of Mary.

III.  Here at the door of Mary’s house we are introduced to a servant girl named Rhoda who at first glance seems to be a bit too high strung or excitable.

IV.  While being level headed in our actions is important, this doesn’t seem to be the reason why Rhoda is named in the story and it is certainly not for us to conclude that she is “just a girl.” 


I.  She is not “just a girl” because of who influenced her (12:12).

A.  She was in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark.

1.  Mary’s son became a missionary and wrote the Gospel of Mark.

2.  Her house was a place where Christians met to worship (12:12).

B.  Mary, a Christian lady, would have taught younger girls (Titus 2:3-5).

1. Rhoda would have learned reverence, kindness, purity etc.

II.  She is not “just a girl” because of her responsibility (12:13-14).

A.  Rhoda is responsible for keeping the door of the gateway.

1.  We read of a servant girl keeping the door to the courtyard of the  high priest in John 18:17.

B.  Rhoda has this job while Herod is harassing the church (12:1).

III.  She is not “just a girl” because of who she listened to (12:14).

A.  She recognized Peter’s voice.

B.  Rhoda would have heard Peter teach and preach.

IV.  She is not “just a girl” because of her compassion (12:14)

A.  Rhoda’s immediate response is to alleviate the worry in the house.

V.   She is not “just a girl” because of her self confidence (12:15).

A.  Rhoda was persistent even when others thought she was wrong.


We are a people set apart from the world (1 Corinthians 6:11) and should never be “just anything.”  Being influenced by godly principles and people will not only enable us to develop like Rhoda but will lead us to Heaven.

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