Psalm 22:6 Introduction: 1. The concepts above appear to be in tension with one another. 2. The full biblical context o…
Confess Your Faults To and Pray for One Another (AM)
James 5:16 Introduction: 1. This is certainly one of the most difficult “one another” commands. 2. Pride and shame bot…
What I'd Like to Know Is: What if a Prayer Aligns with God's Will but Goes Unanswered? (PM)
1 John 5:14-15 Introduction: The passage above appears to guarantee the fulfillment of any petitions that align wi…
Bear One Another's Burdens (AM)
Galatians 6:1-2 Introduction: 1. This “one another” command stems from the battle between the works of the flesh and t…
What I'd Like to Know Is: Who Hardened Pharaoh's Heart? (PM)
Exodus 4:21 Introduction: 1. This question has shaken and even upended the faith of some. 2. If God forced Pharaoh to re…
Bearing with One Another and Forgiving One Another (AM)
Colossians 3:12-17 Introduction: 1. Colossians 3:1-11 advances a heavenly mentality where Christ is all. 2. Coloss…
What I'd Like to Know Is: What About Religious Titles? (PM)
Matthew 23:5-12 Introduction: 1. Much of the religious world divides the church into two classes of people: the clerg…
Be of the Same Mind Towards One Another (AM)
Romans 12:16; 15:5-6 Introduction: 1. This “one another” passage falls in the category of unity in the body. 2. While m…
What I’d Like to Know Is… Should I Refrain from Communion If Struggling with an Ongoing Sin? (PM)
1 Corinthians 11:23-30 Introduction:1. Communion is central to worship and is not to be trifled with (Mt. 26:26-29; A…
In Honor Giving Preference to One Another (AM)
Romans 12:10 and Philippians 2:3 Introduction: 1. Honoring one another expresses our love for one another. 2. Like lo…