Romans 12:10 and Philippians 2:3
1. Honoring one another expresses our love for one another.
2. Like love, this also facilitates the other “one another” commands.
I. The Context of This Command
A. Romans 12 begins defining a Spirit-led life (Romans 8:14; 12:2).
B. Verses 9-21 give twelve practices of this Spirit-led life.
C. Verse 10 enjoins a spirit of deference on each child of God.
II. Important Definitions and Applications
A. Kindly affectionate: “cherishing one’s kindred” (Strong)
B. Brotherly love: “fraternal love” (Strong)
C. Honor: “careful regard” (Mounce)
D. Preference: “to go before and show the way” (Thayer)
E. The ESV reads, “…outdo one another in showing honor.”
F. Worldliness honors self, but those who are transformed by the renewing of their minds seek the honor of their brethren.
III. Christ’s Magnanimous Example
A. Paul used a kindred term in Philippians 2:3 to enjoin the elevation of others above self.
B. This is a bridge too far for many, but again, the Lord is not asking us to do what He would/did not do (Philippians 2:5-8).
1. The call is to take on the mind of Christ.
2. Christ chose to forego His divine prerogatives for the sake of His inferiors (2 Corinthians 8:9).
3. A servant is not greater than his/her master, so if we would be pleasing to Him, we must not shirk this call.
1. One of the many products of love for one another, is an attitude of deference where we esteem others above ourselves.
2. Though the world finds this unimaginable, Jesus displayed this attitude in His life and death.
3. Let us compete only in honoring one another at every opportunity.