Psalm 22:6
1. The concepts above appear to be in tension with one another.
2. The full biblical context of these concepts relieves this tension.
I. The Biblical Context of the Phrase
A. Two passages at its foundation:
1. In Job 25:4-6, Bildad the Shuhite rebutted Job’s defense.
2. In Psalm 22:6, David called himself “a worm and no man”.
B. The meaning of the two passages:
1. Bildad’s rebuttal is suspect as God rebuked him in Job 42:7-9.
2. Psalm 22:6 has two very important points to consider:
a. It is primarily Messianic (vv. 7-8 cf. Matthew 27:42-43, 46; vv. 22, 25 cf. Hebrews 2:12).
b. It portrays David and Jesus’ enemies view of them.
II. The Biblical Valuation of Humanity
A. Throughout Scripture, humanity is valued at the top of the created order (Genesis 1:26-28; 9:5-6; Psalms 8:3-8; Matthew 6:25-26).
B. God’s love for humanity is consistently affirmed (Psalms 118; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:4; 1 John 3:1-3).
C. The sacrifice of His Son and His continued patience towards us demonstrate that God does not see us as “such a worm.”
1. Isaac Watts’ hymn Alas and Did My Savior Bleed does a tremendous job of promoting proper humility in view of God’s great love.
2. By comparison to “that sacred head” we are as lowly as a worm.
3. Nonetheless, we must not lose sight of the value He has given us both in creation (Genesis 1:26-28) and recreation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
4. As John said, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called sons of God!” (1 John 3:1)