Introduction A. When Paul says that he has “kept the faith”, what does he mean? B. There is more to keeping the faith than...
A Change for the Worse (AM)
Introduction A. Last week we looked at the changes for the better that happened in the lives of individuals in Corinth a...
Castaways (PM)
Introduction Our culture seems fascinated by the idea of being lost in a remote place, but could we be spiritual castaw...
A Change for the Better (AM)
Introduction A. Change is not only difficult, but it can also be very expensive. B. In fact, unpredictable cost is one o...
The Victory that Overcomes the World (PM)
Introduction A. We know of faith’s description as substance and evidence (Hebrews 11:1). B. John describes it as the v...
A Change of Plans (AM)
IntroductionA. What do you do when things don’t go according to plan? B. When the plans of a Christian fail, there is no r...
Our Hope (PM)
Introduction A. During the great persecution under Nero, Christians needed to recall the reasons for their hope more...
A Change of Approach (AM)
Introduction A. One of the great challenges of teaching lies in the fact that no two students have the same skills, back...
Swift to Hear (PM)
Introduction A. Most of us have been guilty at times of hearing someone speak to us without really listening to what the...
A Change of Heart (AM)
Introduction A. In pagan religions, each culture had its own pantheon of gods, and each deity typically was connected...