Introduction A. In His final instructions to the disciples, the one commandment that Jesus chose to emphasize was that they continue to love one another as He had loved them (John 15:12). B. Jesus knew that the disciples would need one another to weather the storms ahead, and nothing could hold them together like love. I. Why was brotherly love so important to Jesus at this moment? A. Jesus saw love...
The Marks of Jesus
Introduction A. Scars are difficult to get rid of and often are worn forever. B. When Paul told the Galatians, “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (6:17), they knew what he meant (cf. Acts 14:19). C. Do we bear the marks of the Lord in our body today? I. Jesus’ resurrected body bore many marks for our sakes. A. He bore the marks of a whip (Matthew 27:26). B. He bore the marks of thorns and a reed (Matthew 27...
Don’t Give Up Now!
Introduction A. When Jesus offered the bread of life to a crowd with an appetite that only literal bread would appease, many refused to walk with Him another step. B. When the Christian life becomes difficult, there are many who will give up when God’s greatest gifts are yet to come. I. Jesus reminds us that any hardships we endure are only temporary. A. In the garden He asked for just one hour (Matthew 26:40)...
Failing to Live Up to It
Introduction A. Everyone knows the feeling of making a commitment and then failing to live up to it. Can you imagine how Peter felt after he forsook the Lord in the garden and then denied Him? B. When we fail to live up to the commitment that we have made to the Lord, what should we do? I. The disciples’ faith failed more than once. A. Their faith failed them on the Galilee Sea (Luke 8:22-25). B. Peter’s faith failed him on...
The Lord’s Prayer
Introduction A. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen to Jesus pray? This text affords us that opportunity. B. Of all the hours that Jesus spent in prayer to the Father, this chapter is the longest excerpt of any of those prayers that is preserved today: this must have been an important prayer! I. Let’s take a look at the content of Jesus’ prayer. A. He prayed for Himself (John 17:1-5). B. He prayed for...
The Good Shepherd
Introduction A. Throughout John’s gospel Jesus introduces Himself in various ways (John 6:35; 8:12; 10:7,11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1), and yet so very few realized who He was. B. One of the most endearing portraits of Jesus is that which represents Him as the Good Shepherd. What does it mean for us? I. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. A. The good shepherd knows his sheep (John 10:3,14). B. The good shepherd leads...
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (Part 2)
Introduction A. In spite of the troubling circumstances that the disciples faced, Jesus told them, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). B. We live in troubled times, but we needn’t have troubled hearts. I. It is encouraging to know that there is room for everyone in our Father’s house. A. Jesus told His disciples that there are many dwellings in His Father’s house (John 14:2). B. Jesus went to prepare a place for us...
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (Part 1)
Introduction A. Never has there been a time void of troubles. B. In spite of the troubling circumstances that the disciples faced, Jesus told them, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). C. Even though we may be living in troubled times, there is no need for us to have troubled hearts. I. In troubled times, we must keep the faith. A. Jesus told His disciples, “You believe in God, believe also in Me” (John 14:1). B. Although...
Jesus’ Commitment
Introduction A. Both in His life and in His death, Jesus showed a firm resolution and commitment to the mission He came to fulfill. B. Jesus’ commitment should stand as an inspiration for us to remain committed to our very last breath (1 Peter 2:20-25). I. Jesus’ commitment is evident in His planning. A. Jesus said that His suffering was His very purpose for coming into the world (John 12:27; Matthew 20:28). B. Jesus...
Profitable for Instruction in Righteousness
Introduction A. A carpenter will use nails and screws to hold a wall in place once he has it positioned right where it needs to be. B. Once we get our hearts right with God, we need something to hold them in place lest they slip away (cf. 2 Peter 2:15-21). I. If we wish to stay right, we must continue in God’s Word. A. This is precisely what Paul told young Timothy (2 Timothy 3:13-4:5) as well as the church in Ephesus...