Introduction A. Throughout Jesus’ public life, people had different perceptions about Him which varied dramatically. B. What do you see when you think of Jesus? I. The people who met Jesus saw Him in very different ways. A. Some saw Him as a great teacher and as a prophet (John 3:2; 14:19; 6:14; 7:40-41; 9:17). B. Some saw Him as an impostor (John 7:12; 9:16; 12:47-49). C. Some saw Him as a serious...
Profitable for Reproof
Introduction A. When it comes to matters of faith, who can you trust when there are so many conflicting doctrines (Jeremiah 27-28)? B. If we want to be able to identify error, we are going to have to consult God’s Word (Matthew 7:15-20). I. Jesus used Scripture when He rebuked those in the wrong. A. He quoted Scripture when He cleansed the temple (Matthew 21:12-13). B. He quoted Scripture when He rebuked...
Counting the Cost of Following Jesus
Introduction A. The signing of the Declaration of Independence and the crossing of the Rubicon were both points of no return, moments when the parties involved committed their very lives to their cause. B. What did Jesus have to say about commitment to His cause? I. Instead of hiding the cost, Jesus urged everyone to count it. A. Jesus was always honest about the hardships that His disciples would have to endure (Luke...
The Day I Met Jesus
Introduction A. When Jesus came into the country of Gadara, He received varying receptions from the people who met Him (Matthew 8:28-34). B. One thing is certain: when someone meets Jesus, his life is changed forever in some way or another. I. Many lives were changed on the first meeting with Jesus. A. Meeting Jesus certainly changed the lives of the disciples (John 1:36-49). B. Meeting Jesus changed...
Profitable for Correction
Introduction A. There are a lot of people who can tell you what is wrong with the world, but who holds the key to setting things right? B. God’s Word is the only source we can use to rebuke the world of sin, and in it we also find the positive message that the world needs to get on the right track. I. The great reformers all relied on God’s Word for correction. A. When David saw he had done something wrong, he went to the Law to make...
Through the Eyes of the Savior
Introduction A. We like to think that we see things as they really are, but do we? B. We don’t see things the same way God does, but in the gospels we get a glimpse at the world through the Savior’s eyes. I. Jesus always saw things differently. A. Where the twelve saw a Samaritan woman in a hostile place, Jesus saw a thirsty soul and a field that was ready to harvest (John 4:5-10,39-42). B. Where the Jews saw the consequence...
Profitable for Doctrine
Introduction A. If we didn’t have the Bible, think of all we wouldn’t know. B. Paul tells us of four things essential to our spiritual wellbeing for which the inspired Scriptures are profitable (2 Timothy 3:16). C. The first of these is doctrine, that is, what we are to teach. I. We cannot base doctrine on human traditions or commands. A. This was the problem that Jesus had with the Pharisees (Matthew 15:1-6). B. This was also the problem with gener...
Thanks Be to God!
Introduction A. This week the United States observes the Thanksgiving holiday—a holiday that enjoys a rich tradition both here and around the world. B. Nobody on this Earth has more for which to be thankful than do God’s children (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Ephesians 5:3-4). I. I am thankful for God’s constant provision. A. I am thankful for the daily physical sustenance that God provides (1 Corinthians 14:16-18; 2 Corinthians 9:10; Matthew...
Introduction A. Of all the marvelous things with which God has blessed mankind, love is without a doubt the greatest (1 Corinthians 13:13). B. Is it any wonder then that Peter would save this for last in his list of virtues to add to our Christian character? C. You might be a loving person, but there is always room to grow. I. When we talk about love, what are we talking about? A. Learning how to love is a process of slow and steady growth...
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” (Part 1)
Introduction A. Never has there been a time void of troubles. B. In spite of the troubling circumstances that the disciples faced, Jesus told them, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). C. Even though we may be living in troubled times, there is no need for us to have troubled hearts. I. In troubled times, we must keep the faith. A. Jesus told His disciples, “You believe in God, believe also in Me” (John 14:1). B. Although this was a...