A. There are many human works that are regarded as masterpieces.
B. If God painted a masterpiece of His own, what would it look like?
I. God applied the first strokes of His masterpiece in the creation.
A. God’s original creation was stunning (Genesis 1:25).
B. Man was the crown jewel of God’s creative work (Genesis 1:26-31).
C. God committed His beautiful masterpiece to a canvas of human flesh...
Witnesses of Jesus
Introduction A. Considering that Jesus did not parade Himself as the Messiah, how is it that Peter (Matthew 16:16) and so many others—even today—have arrived at the same conclusion about this man of Galilee? B. Let’s listen to the witnesses that testified before Peter and the rest of the world that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of the living God. I. Jesus first calls John the Baptizer to the stand (John 5:32-35). A. This...
Jots and Tittles
A. In every aspect of His life, Jesus emphasized the Scriptures: when he preached (Luke 4:14-21), when he rebuked the erring (Matt. 26:54), when He was tempted (Matt. 4:1-11), and when He died (Matt. 27:46).
B. As disciples of Jesus, we should seek to be diligent students and teachers of God’s Word (cf. Ezra 7:10).
C. While we need to read the Bible daily, we must also study it carefully.
I. A jot or tittle...
Old Testament Lessons on New Testament Baptism
A. In spite of the teachings of the New Testament, there are still many who object to the doctrine that baptism is essential for salvation.
B. Paul tells us that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning” (Romans 15:4), and we shall see that there is much that we can learn about NT baptism from familiar OT stories.
I. We learn about baptism when we read of the flood (Genesis 6-7)...