Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 1:15
A. We might be surprised to find that these sins that led to the murder of Jesus were not all sins that we could consider “great”.
B. Could any of us be guilty of some of these sins?
I. Jesus was crucified because of the sin of ignorance.
A. Those who crucified Jesus did so for lack of knowledge (Acts 3:17), but not for lack of evidence (John 3:1–2, 5:32–46).
B. Because their ignorance was willful, it cannot be excused (Matthew 13:14–15, Romans 1:20, 2 Peter 3:5).
II. Jesus was crucified because of the sin of envy.
A. The Jewish rulers resented Jesus’ popularity with the people (John 11:48; 12:19; cf. Matthew 27:18).
B. This sin has done much harm to the church as well (Acts 13:44–45; 17:5–14; John 17:21; 1 Corinthians 3:3).
III. Jesus was crucified because of the sin of covetousness.
A. This sin led Judas to betray his Master (Matthew 26:15).
B. We are repeatedly warned of the dangers of this sin (1 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5).
IV. Jesus was crucified because of the sin of prejudice.
A. When Jesus came, most refused to examine His credentials, but immediately dismissed Him (John 7:41–42; Matthew 21:42).
B. Because of this sin, many still reject God’s word today.
A. I must also remember that they were my sins that crucified Jesus (1 Timothy 1:15; Romans 5:8).
B. Just as He stood before Pilate long ago, Jesus stands before you and me today, and someday we will stand before Him (2 Corinthians 5:10).