Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:8–14
A. God made man with a built-in drive to share information, but there are times when we may feel it necessary to withhold information.
B. While there are some things that should remain secret, there are other things that should never be concealed.
I. The Scriptures speak of people who lived with dark secrets.
A. Adam and Eve tried to hide themselves and their sin from God (Genesis 3:7–8).
B. Achan also tried to hide his sin (Joshua 7:21).
C. David was desperate to keep his sin hidden (2 Samuel 11).
D. Ananias and Sapphira tried to hide the truth about their giving (Acts 5:1–10).
E. Joseph’s brothers were able to hide the truth from their father for 22 years (Genesis 37:31–35; 45:26).
II. Some things should be kept secret; others should not.
A. Jesus said we should be secretive about things like benevolence (Matthew 6:3–4), prayers (v 6), and fasting (vv 17–18).
B. On the other hand, we should publicize the gospel (Matthew 10:26–27) and confess our sins (1 John 1:8–9; James 5:16).
III. All secrets are known to God.
A. God knows things that He has chosen not to reveal to us (Deuteronomy 29:29; Romans 16:25–26; Ephesians 3:9–10; Daniel 2:22; John 16:4).
B. He knows every secret thing that we have ever done (Psalms 44:20–21; Jeremiah 23:23–24; Hebrews 4:12–13; Psalms 139:7–12).
C. God will bring all secrets into the open in the end (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Luke 8:17; Romans 2:16; 1 Timothy 5:24–25).
If “secret faults” (Psalms 19:12) are troubling you, don’t try to hide them any longer. If you will acknowledge them and repent, God will forgive.