Psummer in the Psalms: Giving the Lord His Due (PM)

Psalm 29


1. The name of Yahweh occurs eighteen times in these eleven verses.

2. His glory, majesty, and splendor saturate this psalm.

3.  For this cause, we are to give the Lord His due (vs. 2).


I.  Worship Demanded (vv. 1-2)

A.  Worship is expected of God’s people (vv. 1-2; John 4:20-26).

B.  The church exists to offer spiritual sacrifices and proclaim His praises (Hebrews 13:15; 1 Peter 2:5, 9).

C.  Shirking worship is a grave error (Hebrews 10:24-27).

II.  Worship Defined

A.  Reverence is the heart of worship as we see our subservience.

B.  Five Greek terms in the NT are translated as worship.

C.  These occur 265 times as piety, glory, devout, serve, honor, etc.

D.  The primary term means “to kiss the hand towards” (Thayer); “to kiss as a dog licks its master’s hand, to fawn or crouch to, to prostrate oneself in honor, to reverence, to adore” (Strong).

E.  “Among the Orientals, especially the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the forehead to the ground as an expression of profound reverence” (Thayer). 

III.  Worship Deserved (vv. 3-10)

A.  The power and majesty of God are vividly portrayed here:

1.  His voice is thunderous in power (vv. 3-4).

2. It breaks and splinters the cedars (vs. 5).

3.  It shakes the wilderness (vs. 8).

4.  It sends the deer into labor (vs. 9).

B.  For this, all in His temple say “Glory!” (vs. 9).


1.  He Who sits as King forever is worthy of our worship.

2.  He will give strength and blessings to His people (vs. 11).

3.  Therefore, let us give the glory that is due to His name!

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