Getting to Know God: His Omnipresence (AM)

Psalm 139:7-12


1.  Though the word omnipresence does not occur in Scripture, the concept is clearly delineated therein.

2.  This truth is a comfort to the faithful and a terror to the unfaithful.

3.  Such knowledge has a profound impact on our manner of life.


I.  The Meaning of the Term

A.  From the Latin omni- all and praesens- present

B.  “The quality of in all places simultaneously” (Online Etymology)

C.  “…that God, in the totality of His essence…penetrates and fills the universe in all its parts” (Strong)

II.  The Biblical Teaching

A.  Scripture highlights God’s omnipresence and its implications.

B.  Consider a few examples.

1.  His eyes are in every place (Proverbs 15:3).

2.  No space is sufficient to contain Him (1 Kings 8:27).

3.  He is near to us all (Acts 17:27-28).

4.  There is no place we may elude His presence as He fills heaven and earth (Psalms 139:7-12; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Amos 9:2-3).

III.  The Comfort and Terror of His Presence

A.  Knowing God’s benevolent intentions, this is a comfort to the faithful (Psalms 139:9-10; Jeremiah 29:10-14; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:).

B.  The unfaithful have no place to escape judgment when it comes (Amos 9:1-10; John 5:28-29; Acts 17:30-31; 2 Corinthians 5:10).

IV.   How Shall We Then Live?

A.  This should promote confidence that we are not alone.

B.  It should also promote a seriousness about refraining from sinful practices, knowing we cannot hide such from God.


1.  Though we may never understand the mechanics of God’s omnipresence, we know the implications of this reality.

2.  Let us then live like people who know God is with us always.

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