Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:31–32
A. When the Pharisees asked Jesus His opinion on the subject of divorce, He tried to show them a better way (Matthew 19:1–9).
B. The devil is after our homes, and we need to take every precaution against letting him in.
I. Let’s lay aside our feelings about divorce and consider God’s.
A. God says that He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).
B. God hates divorce because it a severance of two things that He joined (Malachi 2:15; Matthew 19:6).
C. God hates divorce because it mars one of the most beautiful things that God created (Malachi 2:11; Genesis 2:24).
D. God hates divorce because it destroys the very fabric of godly society (Malachi 2:15‒16; Genesis 1:28; 1 Corinthians 7:13‒14).
E. God condemns divorce except for adultery (Matthew 19:9).
II. What can we do to protect our marriages from divorce?
A. Avoid anything that could harm this intimate relationship (cf. Genesis 2:24‒25).
B. Put your focus where it needs to be (Matthew 6:33; 1 Peter 3:1‒7).
C. Make sure your relationship is balanced (1 Peter 3:7).
A. The devil will try to defeat our efforts when we get a mind to build, but we must have courage and put our trust in the Lord.
B. The devil is after our homes, and he will be after our children’s homes. Let’s get busy building those walls. We have no time to lose!
Family Discussion
What are some things you can do to make your marriage stronger?
If you aren’t married, what can you do to help other’s marriages?