By: Dennis Pierce
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:32-39
I. Pursuit of the visions we have for the future will often turn our thoughts to the past in an effort to evaluate and appreciate progress that has been made.
A. This can be good if we are reminded of what we have learned and determined not to repeat former mistakes. (2 Timothy 3:14-15)
II. Many of us, as reflected in our vision statements, have a strong desire for faithfulness to God in the lives of our loved ones.
A. Anytime someone leaves the church, it is of great concern. (Matthew 16:26)
III. The book of Hebrews gives many reasons to remain faithful to Christ.
A. The predominate message given to encourage faithfulness, is the superiority of Christ.
B. Hebrews 10:32-39 calls attention to your illumination, your accomplishments and to your hope, as incentives not to turn back.
C. Instructions here can help us remain faithful and give us words to help others.
I. Remember your illumination. (vs. 32)
A. Coming to Christ is often described as coming to the light.
1. The blind man in John 9:25 is a well-known example. .
2. Jesus describes himself as the light of the world. (John 8:12)
3. 2 Corinthians 4:4 speaks of the light of the gospel and it is the gospel that saves. (1 Corinthians 15:1-2)
B. This illumination or enlightenment is more than just gaining knowledge.
1. Faith in Christ is based upon truth. (John 8:32)
2. The decision to obey Christ provides blessings that cannot be found in any other place. (Ephesians 1:3)
a. Peace of mind, joy of salvation, privilege of prayer, hope, etc., all come with this enlightenment.
II. Remember your accomplishments. (vs. 32-35)
A. You have endured suffering. (vs.32-33)
1. This suffering has been a struggle. (vs. 32)
2. This suffering has been in different forms. (vs. 33)
B. You have extended compassion to others who were suffering. (vs. 33-34)
C. You have gained confidence. (vs.35)
1. Do not cast that away. It has great reward.
III. Remember your hope. (vs. 36-38)
A. You need endurance. (vs. 36)
1. Receiving the promise hangs in the balance.
B. Jesus will come and will not tarry. (vs.37; 1 Corinthians 11:26; Hebrews 9:28)
1. When He comes, will He find faith? (Luke 18:8)
C. Receiving the promise is your hope, your only hope.
Conclusion: Turning back means giving up everything!