How Majestic Is Your Name

Psalm 8


1.   Awe and gratitude are the main themes of this Psalm.

2.  Awe at God’s majesty; gratitude at His crowing humanity with glory.

3.  Such awe and gratitude should propel us to faithful service of our Lord.


I.  The Majesty/Excellence of God (vv. 1, 9)

A.  Lord= YHWH= “the existing One” (BDB); “self-existent” (Strong); God is the necessary being (Exodus 3:14; Psalms 90:2; John 5:26; Revelation 11:17).

B.  Our Lord= Adonai= “sovereign, controller, master, owner” (Strong)

C.  Excellent= “large, powerful, goodly, noble, principal” (Strong)

D.  Glory= “grandeur, imposing form and appearance” (Strong); “splendor, majesty, vigor” (BDB); transcending the heavens.

II.  The Power of Insignificance (vv. 2)

A.  Jesus quoted verse 2 in Matthew 21:16 of the children praising Him.  

B.  God uses the lowly for His purposes (Matthew 11:25; 1 Corinthians 1:27-29).

C.  Humility moves us toward God (Matthew 5:3, 5; James 4:6-10).

III.  Crowned With Glory and Honor (vv. 3-8)

A.  Seeing God as He is helps us see ourselves as we are.

B.  Despite our relative insignificance, He lavished honors on us:

1.  Placed a little lower than the angels (vs. 5)

2. Crowned with glory (splendor) and honor (splendor, majesty)

3. Given dominion/rule over His creation.

C.  As His image bearers, He granted us a portion of the glory that is due only to Him.


1. That the majestic Creator of the cosmos would crown lowly humanity with such honors is astonishing.

2. In view of His inherent excellence and the share He has given us in that, we must live every moment with this refrain on our lips, “Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!” (cf. Hebrews 13:15).

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