Blessings in Christ: Our Triumph in Christ (AM)

2 Corinthians 2:14-17


1.  Much of these opening chapters is heavy: affliction (1:8-11), criticism (1:15-18), the offender’s sorrow (2:3-11), and concern for them (vv. 12-13).

2.  Much of the remainder will be difficult as well.

3.  These verses highlight that triumph is certain for those in Christ.


I.  The Triumph Metaphor

A.  It seems the ancient Roman triumphal procession in view here.

B.  These processions were given to celebrate major military victories for Roman generals and their armies.

C.  The greatest victory is won in Him (John 16:33; Colossians 2:13-15; 1 John 5:4).

II.  The Aroma of Death or Life

A.  In these processions, the conquering general would lead a train of captives through Rome in front of masses of spectators.

1. Some were put to death while others were spared.  

2. Cult priests burned mass quantities of incense along the way.

3. For those to be slaughtered, it was the aroma of death, but to those who were to be spared, it was the aroma of life.

B.  Paul left no mystery of what the incense signified.

1.  Through our lives in the triumphal procession of Christ, we diffuse the knowledge of God (vs. 17; Mark 16:15; Romans 10:14-17).

2.  The aroma’s meaning is up to the recipient (cf. Acts 13:45-47)


1.  Much of what we read in 2 Corinthians, like what we experience in our Christian lives, appears to spell defeat for the Christian.

2.  Paul pulled back the curtain on this and proved victory is certain!

3.  Whether the world receives or rejects the message of Christ, if we diffuse its aroma, it is always successful (cf. Isaiah 55:10-11).

4.  So, take heart Christian soldier knowing that your triumph is sure!

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