Freedom! (PM)

Scripture Reading:  John 8:31–36


A.  What does it mean for us to have freedom in Jesus Christ?

B.  If we still have to follow a set of rules, are we really free?


I.  First we should understand what it means to be free.

A.  When we are in Christ, we are free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1–2; cf. 6:23).

B.  Freedom does not mean that we are not bound by any law (Romans 6:18–23; 1 Corinthians 7:22–23).

C.  Freedom does not mean that we never need to make sacrifices (1 Corinthians 8:9–13; 9:19).

D.  Some promise liberty but fail to deliver it (2 Peter 2:19).

II.  How does one obtain spiritual freedom?

A.  It cannot be earned or purchased (cf. Acts 22:27–28).

B.  It must be granted by the Son (John 8:34–36).

C.  The truth makes us free (John 8:32).

D.  Obedience makes us free (John 8:31; Romans 6:17–18).

III.  Freedom is something we can surrender if we choose to.

A.  Many have chosen bondage over liberty (Nehemiah 9:17; Galatians 4:1–11, 24–25).

B.  Some will try to take our freedom from us, but we don’t have to surrender it (Galatians 2:4–5; 5:1–8).


A.  True freedom can only be known and enjoyed by those who first willingly submit to those in authority (Romans 12:16; 13:1).

B.  True liberty is not the absence of law or accountability: in fact it is God’s law upon which our greatest liberty is established.

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