Scripture Reading: Genesis 35:1–7
A. Upon his return to Canaan, Jacob commanded the members of his household to put away all the false gods among them.
B. In the Bible we read of various kinds of idolatry, and while we may regard such practices as foolish (which they are), are we ever guilty of paying homage to similar gods?
I. Foreign gods were a snare to the children of Israel.
A. Israel spent a lot of time around idolatrous people (Joshua 24:2, 14–15).
B. God warned them repeatedly not to worship false gods (Exodus 20:1–6; 22:20; Deuteronomy 12:1–4; 4:15–19; 13:1–10).
C. Many of Israel’s leaders urged them not to serve idols (1 Samuel 7:3–4; 2 Kings 23:24).
D. Israel served foreign gods early and often (Exodus 32:8; Judges 10:6; Jeremiah 11:13).
II. It is easy to see that there is no profit in idolatry.
A. The idols were not even living things (Psalms 115:1–8).
B. That which does not live certainly cannot save (Judges 10:13–14; Isaiah 36:18–20; 2 Chronicles 25:15).
III. What foreign gods are there among us?
A. Some bow to the god of covetousness (Colossians 3:5; Matthew 6:24).
B. Some honor family above the Lord (Matthew 10:37–38).
C. Some put fleshly lusts ahead of God (2 Timothy 2:22).
A. While Israel as a nation never bowed to the same idols after the exile, they still put other things ahead of the Lord.
B. Whom will you serve? The choice is yours alone.