Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
1. This parable shows Satan’s efforts to sabotage God’s good intentions.
2. God’s wisdom and patience are on full display as He patiently awaits the harvest time before destroying the noxious weeds.
3. There is a potent warning and tremendous comfort in knowing He will fully and finally set all things right.
I. The Conflict
A. The farmer sowed only good seed in his field (vs. 24)
B. A spiteful enemy sought to sabotage his harvest with cowardly deceit and treachery (vv. 25, 28).
II. The Characters and the Stage
A. Jesus is the sower and He only sows good seed (vs. 37)
1) People often blame God for evil in the world.
2) This parable shows the folly in this accusation (cf. James 1:17)
B. The horrors perpetrated in our fallen world are the works of the adversary, not the Lord (vv. 38-41).
III. The Caution
A. Many who claimed to serve God have attempted to force the evil out of men on earth (Crusades, Inquisition, Salem witch trials, etc.)
B. The sower clearly repudiated such thinking (vv. 28-30)
IV. The Climax
A. In due time, God will bring justice upon the wicked and set all things right (vv. 41-42; Acts 17:30-31; Romans 2:2, 5-10; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).
B. Sadly, the punishment is severe and unending (Mark 9:47-48).
C. Happily, the sons of the kingdom will receive the glory God promised (vs. 43; Matthew 25:46; Romans 8:30).
1. Though hard to understand, the Lord patiently allows the sons of the evil one to coexist in His world until the final judgment.
2. The hope in this parable is knowing He will set things right in the end.
May we use these things to patiently endure as we do His bidding.