Introduction A. There are times when taking a stand for the truth isn’t easy to do. B. If we are not fully convicted, we will give in when the least pressure is applied, but when we surrender fully to it, nothing could ever induce us to give up or be ashamed. A. Paul was not ashamed (Philippians 1:16; 2 Timothy 1:6-18; 4:1-8). B. Neither was Peter (Acts 4:5-21; 5:41; 1 Peter 4:16). A. Though some might mock the Gospel (Acts 17:32), it is true...
Introduction A. When we think of perfection, we commonly think of something that is entirely free of errors or flaws. B. While we often hear that “nobody’s perfect,” the Bible says that we can be perfect (Matthew 5:48; John 17:23; 2 Timothy 3:17). I. We have examples of men who have exhibited perfection. A. Moses records that “Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations” (Genesis 6:9). B. David’s heart was perfect with God (1...
Moral Excellence
Introduction A. As we grow in grace and knowledge, one of the things that Peter says we must add to our faith is “virtue” (KJV, NKJV, ESV). B. The Greek word here is arete, a term which signifies the excellence that Greeks sought in every aspect of life. C. As Christians we should strive for “moral excellence” (NASB). I. When it comes to morality, we need to raise the bar! A. Israel often allowed their neighbors to set the bar for morality...
Growing a Christian Character
Introduction A. Writing to Christians who are soon likely to see great persecution, Peter exhorts his readers to grow in grace and knowledge. B. Peter knew that he himself would soon die for his preaching of the Gospel (2 Peter 1:14; cf. John 13:16; 21:18-19). C. We hear of persecution in other places, but what will we do when it comes to where we live? How will we be able to stand? I. Solid Christian character begins with faith. A. Faith...
“Little by Little”
Introduction A. When God led Israel out of Egypt, He promised to drive their enemies out of Canaan, but not all at once (Exodus 23:20-31). B. When we undertake a great task, we like to see immediate results, but often those results have to come in small installments. C. The most valuable things we possess are not acquired overnight, but take much effort and patience: so it is with spiritual growth. A. God would not drive out the Canaanites in...
The Spirit of Worship
Introduction A. We know that it is vital that we worship God “in truth,” but we must also understand the importance of worshiping “in spirit.” B. Failing to worship God in the proper frame of mind is just as fruitless as failing to worship Him according to His pattern. I. God expects our hearts to be fixed on Him when we worship. A. We need to realize that God doesn’t need the gifts we bring (Isaiah 1:11-15; Amos 5:21-23; Jeremiah 7:22-23; Hebrews...
Back to School!
Introduction A. This is the time of year dreaded most by every young person (and teacher) in the nation—the time to get back to the classroom. B. There are many ways in which the Christian walk is like going to school, except there are no summer vacations in Christianity. I. There is some homework required. A. This re-enforces the things we learn in the classroom and also makes us aware of things we may need to study further...
Man’s All
Introduction A. Solomon perceived that nothing ever really changes in the course of nature or human events. B. After searching for meaning in various places, he finally found it in fearing God and keeping His commandments. I. Without God at the center, everything is meaningless. A. Without God at the center, the universe is meaningless (Ecclesiastes 1:2,7). B. Without God at the center, our labor is meaningless (Ecclesiastes...
Vain Worship
Introduction A. When Cain and Abel brought their offerings to God, Cain’s was rejected because it was not offered “by faith” (cf. Hebrews 11:4). B. Many of the Jews of Jesus’ day were likewise offering their worship to God in vain (Matthew 15:8-9). I. When one departs from God’s pattern, his worship becomes vain. A. Korah and his cohort departed from God’s pattern and paid a heavy price (Numbers 16:1-33; cf. 2 Chronicles 26:18-23)...
Remember Now
Introduction A. From this metaphorical passage we are made to consider the fact that we will all grow old and die. B. For most people, youth is nothing but vanity, but it needn’t be. I. Why is it a wise choice to remember one’s Creator early in life? A. It is wise because it is easier to do things right the first time (1 Samuel 3:19-20; Acts 22:19-20; Ephesians 5:15-16). B. It is wise because youth doesn’t last forever (Ecclesiastes 11:10). C. It is wise...