1. Brethren I highly respect view this issue in opposite ways.
2. Many oppose the instrument in public worship but embrace it in private.
3. Below I offer my assessment for consideration.
I. Why It Matters
A. Advocates of the instrument in public worship have cited this inconsistency in arguing for its use in public worship.
B. “I once had a conversation with a man who loved to listen to gospel music with instruments. He would listen to worship songs in his car while he was driving and he would listen to worship songs while at home. He would even go to gospel music concerts and festivals. All of these instances involved instrumental music. However, when it came time for Sunday morning worship, he told me that he believed it was sinful to use instrumental music to worship God” (Kevin Pendergrass article advocating for instrumental music in corporate worship).
II. Is This Distinction Biblical?
A. The argument for this distinction is that Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 pertain exclusively to public assemblies.
B. The context of these verses includes husband/wife, parent/child, and servant/master relations; do these apply only in the assembly also?
C. Also, God gave directions for personal praise (Heb. 13:15; Jas. 5:13).
D. In light of these observations, I cannot find where God distinguishes between worship songs in public verses private.
1. This issue is a difficult one for me because of my combined love of music and desire to only hear pure content.
2. With no clear biblical distinction between public and private worship, I take no comfort in the use of instruments in praise outside the assembly.
3. May we all earnestly reflect on these passages as we seek His glory.