1 Corinthians 16:1-4
1. This question pertains to the New Testament pattern for worship.
2. Sincere brethren land on both sides of this issue.
3. I offer my best effort at a Scriptural answer.
I. The Occasion
A. Paul was gathering relief for poor saints in Jerusalem (1 Corinthians 16:3; Acts 8:1; 11:27-30; 24:17; Romans 15:25-27; 2 Corinthians 8-9).
B. This situation prompted Paul’s instructions in this passage.
II. The Pattern of Sound Words
A. We must “hold fast the pattern of sound words” (2 Timothy 1:13).
B. 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 8-9 constitute the sum of our instructions for funding the work of the church.
C. Paul made several clear points concerning our giving:
1. It is a collection for the work of the church (16:1).
2. Each one was expected to contribute (16:1-2).
3. The prescribed time was the first day of the week (16:2-3).
4. The amount given was to be proportionate to each one’s prosperity (16:2; 8:12-15).
5. As purposed (lit. preferred) in the giver’s heart (9:7).
6. Not grudgingly (lit. pain, distress, grief) (9:7)
7. But cheerfully (9:7; Acts 20:35)
8. For God’s glory and humanity’s good (9:13-14).
9. In recognition of God’s indescribable gift (9:15).
D. As with all worship, we want to follow apostolic practice.
III. The Key To Our Question
A. Our only apostolic example of funding the work of the church is the first day of the week contribution.
B. Every Christian with income is expected to participate.
C. As for the question at hand, I find the phrase “as he may prosper” is the key to determining what is acceptable.
D. Two keys in the original prove helpful:
1. Ean= “as he may” is a conditional particle meaning “if”
2. Prosper is a verb meaning to gain in work or business; it is in the subjunctive mood, mood of possibility and/or probability
E. The idea is that if and when one is prospered, they are to contribute to the weekly collection.
F. For this I am of the mind that it is acceptable if one is paid monthly to offer it all on the following first day of the week.
G. However, Romans 14:23 still applies, so if one has any doubt split it up and offer it weekly.
IV. What About PayPal, Push Pay, Etc.?
A. Several digital offering platforms exist today.
B. To my knowledge none of these platforms push the church into violating any Scriptural principle.
C. As for the decision to use or not use one of these platforms, I again defer the questioner to the elders.
1. It is imperative that we seek to know and follow the pattern for worship in the New Testament and giving is no exception.
2. The text appears to me to indicate that each time we are prospered, we are to give of that prosperity.
3. However, if one has any doubt, split it up and disperse it weekly.
4. Like checks, digital apps are simply another means of transferring funds, and are therefore legitimate for the purpose of collecting.