Vision (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Acts 2:17


A.  There are many men and women who stand out in the annals of history because of the visions they had for the future which helped to reshape society and put an end to tyranny.

B.  Most of these great people died before their dreams became reality, and yet we benefit from their labors today.


I.  We need vision.

A.  God’s people have always suffered in the absence of vision (1 Samuel 3:1–2; Lamentations 2:9; Amos 8:11).

B.  Individuals like Jeremiah (Jeremiah 46:27; 29:10–14) had visions that they shared with others.

C.  People with vision can sometimes make the rest of us a little uncomfortable (Genesis 37:10; Jeremiah 38:1–6; Acts 11:1–3).

II.  What you dream about says a lot about who you are.

A.  Wicked people dream of evil things (2 Samuel 13:1–2; 1 Samuel 18–24; Matthew 12:14; cf. Romans 13:12–14).

B.  Faithful people dream of good things instead (Romans 1:11–14; Philippians 4:8).

C.  What sort of vision or dream do you have for the future—for yourself, for your family, for the church?


A.  Dreams aren’t just for young people who are too naïve to understand their limitations.

B.  A good sense of vision will help us through hard times when everyone else tells us we should just give up.

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