Two Years (AM)

Scripture Reading:  Romans 15:23–25


A.  How would you feel if you risked your life to save someone and they turned around and accused you of trying to harm them?

B.  This was Paul’s situation before Felix, and although he was not convicted, he spent the next two years detained in Caesarea.


I.  What was two years to Paul?

A.  By his work in places like Corinth (Acts 18:11) and Ephesus (19:10), Paul proved he could accomplish a great deal in two years.

B.  If free during these two years, Paul would likely have traveled to Rome and launched a westward campaign (Romans 15:23–25).

C.  When locked away for two more years in Rome, Paul used his time both writing and preaching to all those who came into contact with him there (Acts 28:17, 30–31; Philemon 10; Philippians 1:13).

II.  What is two years to you?

A.  Over the past two years, have you achieved the goals that you set for yourself? What were they?

B.  If God should grant you two more years, how will you choose to use them (cf. 2 Kings 20:1–6; 1 Chronicles 32:25)?

C.  There will surely be sorrow, setbacks, pain, and disappointments, but what great things could two years bring?


A.  The next two years of Felix’s life didn’t go very well for him, and all because of some poor choices that he made.

B.  What will your next two years bring? The answer may have a lot to do with how you choose to spend the next two minutes!

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