The New Testament Church: The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand (AM)

Matthew 3:1-3; 4:12-17


1. In our last discussion, we traced the scheme of redemption from the fall of humanity to the close of the Old Covenant.

2. We traced the “seed promise” from the seed of woman through Abraham, Judah, and David (Genesis 3:15; 22:17-18; 49:1).

3. We ended with the nation of Israel in anticipation of a descendant of David, a Messiah, to restore the fallen nation to God’s favor.


I. The Time Between the Testaments

A. Today we pick up ca. 400 years after the prophets went silent.

B. Though no new prophecies were uttered, the prophets of old (esp. Daniel 2, 7-12) outlined the events of this period of silence.

C. So many elements of what we find in the gospels emerged:

1. Synagogue worship was established in this period.

2. The Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, etc. all began here.

3. Volumes of Messianic literature were written.

D. All of this set the stage for the kingdom to burst onto the scene.

II. The Ministry of John: The Initial Spark

A. When Zacharias emerged from the temple muted by the angel, the crowd “…perceived that he had seen a vision” (Luke 1:18-22).

B. Ca. 30 years later, John stood in the wilderness proclaiming the long-awaited kingdom was at hand (Matthew 3:1-3).

C. In so doing, he attached a host of OT prophecies to his ministry (Matthew 3:1-3; Luke 3:1-6; Isaiah 40:3-5; Mark 1:1-3; Malachi 3:1).

D. He prepared the hearts of the people to receive their coming King (Luke 1:16-17, 76-79; Malachi 4:5-6; John 1:6-9, 19-34).

III. The Ministry of Jesus: Fanning It Into Flame

A. Jesus would soon supersede John and finish the task of preparing the people to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:30-33).

B. The whole of human history moved toward a singular point in time when the seed promise of Genesis 3:15 would be fulfilled.

C. Daniel revealed the time of the kingdom (Daniel 2:43-45).

D. Jesus echoed John that the kingdom was at hand, adding that “the time is fulfilled” (Mark 1:14-15; cf. Galatians 4:3-7; Ephesians 1:7-10).

E. The wonders He performed gave the proof that He was who He said He was (Matthew 16:13-19; John 20:30-31).


1. Imagine the excitement of these days having waited generations for the Messiah to come.

2. In our next discussion, we will look closer at what Jesus promised His disciples He would build and the fulfillment of the promise (Matthew 16:18).

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