Introduction A. The words “holiness” and “sanctification” speak of a separation which must always be maintained bet...
“Be Ye Separate”
Introduction A. The problem with the Corinthian church was that it was too Corinthian. B. What does it mean to be separate from the world, how is this accomplished, and how important is it to our lives and destinies? I. Separation is often unpleasant, but sometimes it is necessary. A. We do not enjoy separation from family (cf. Genesis 2:24). B. Sometimes it is essential for life (1 Corinthians 5:4-8). C. Death brings pain, but all must experience it...
"Oh, Think of the Home Over There"
A. Although we usually reflect of the home over there when a loved one has passed away, Christians would do good to think more often about the heavenly place.
B. Peter said that our hope is reserved in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-5).
C. Heaven will be more beautiful than anything we have ever imagined, any place we have ever been or seen, and anything we have ever enjoyed.
What is Heaven?
A. Heaven is...