Introduction A. Children will ask their parents for a lot of things, but not always the things that they really need. B. Around birthdays parents start to think about good gifts that they could buy for their children. Let’s think about some good gifts that we can give them year-round. Discussion I. We can give them security.
A. Financial security is a good gift for children (Proverbs 13:22). B. Our love is an essential gift that our...
Sowing for the Future
Introduction A. When Israel occupied Canaan, they found an abundance of provisions for which they had not labored. B. God commanded them to give special attention to teaching the next generation, lest they forget what God had done for them (Deuteronomy 6:1-13). I. Investments we make in our children are among the most fruitful. A. Children are precious gifts from God (Psalm 127:3-5; Mark 10:14). B. God has given us the responsibility...