Spiritual Wound Care (AM)

Matthew 9:12-13


1.  Sometimes in life, injuries get us no matter how careful we are.

2. We were reminded of this reality this past Wednesday evening when our oldest fell and gashed the back of his head.

3.  The response of our brothers and sisters set this lesson in motion as we pondered their phenomenal care for our boy and us and the spiritual parallels.


I.  Awareness of the Situation

A. The first step in coming to someone’s aid is recognizing the need.

B.  Our individualistic culture is a roadblock to this ability.

C. To care for the spiritually sick/wounded we must know their plight (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Romans 12:9-13; 15:1; 16:17-18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Galatians 6:1-2; 2 Thessalonians 3:10-15; 2 Timothy 4:1-5; James 5:19-20; Jude 23).

D.  This awareness demands a knowledge of spiritually injurious things.

II.  Preparedness to Manage the Situation

A. It is one thing to recognize there is a problem, but it is another thing entirely to be prepared to offer care.

B.  We recognize the need to prepare for physical wound care, and so must we prepare for spiritual wound care.

C. There are no shortcuts to becoming proficient in medical or spiritual care (Matthew 28:20; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 5:10, 15-17; Timothy 2:2, 15).

III.  Willingness to Act

A. Knowledge of wound care (or any other kind) is useless if not mixed with a willingness to use it (Luke 10:30-37).

B.  Paul wanted to send Timothy to Philippi because he alone shared Paul’s care and willingness to care for their state (Philippians 2:19-23).

C. Care for others is the mark of a true disciple (Philippians 2:1-5; John 13:34-35).


1.  The instant our boy was physically wounded, the three keys named above went into motion without a second thought from our dear brethren out here.

2.  Times of crisis can bring out the best in people.

Let us be as willing to prepare to help, recognize the need, and be willing to do so in the realm of spiritual wounds as we are in the realm of physical wounds.

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